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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

must be the product of basic, technical, and applied research carried out at the DIMAR marine scientific research centers, and from other institutes and/or researchers that make an original contribution to the development of Marine Sciences in the above-mentioned topics.

The documents that apply for publication in the BCCIOH must be well written, conjugated in third-person; free from grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, taking care of the good use of the Spanish or English language.

The classification of the manuscripts that are admitted for evaluation and publication in the BCCIOH, according to standardized typology 1 and 2, is as follows:

  • SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES: they present in detail the original results of completed research projects. These are usually used by the authors to directly disseminate the latest findings from their research.
  • ARTICLES OF CRITICAL REVIEW: they gather and summarize the investigative work in a particular field and indicate lines of investigation to follow. This type of document is the result of research where the results of published or unpublished research in a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and trends in development. they are characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of no less than 50 references. In some cases, these types of articles are requested by expert editors to systematize the state of the art on a specific topic of interest.
  • REFLEXIVE ARTICLES: present research results from an analytical, interpretive, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
  • SHORT ARTICLES: they present in a short document original preliminary or partial results of a scientific or technological investigation, which require prompt dissemination.
  • CASE REPORTS: documents that present the results of a study on a particular situation, in order to publicize the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. they include an annotated systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.
  • TOPIC REVIEW: document resulting from a critical review of the literature on a particular topic.
  • DISCUSSION: a document that presents the discussion of statements made in previous articles.
  • ANSWER: this document is generated from another, responding to a document ‘DISCUSSION '. It is made by the author of the article that originated the debate.
  • LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: relating to the editorial policy of the BCCIOH or to works previously published in it, provided they contain objective and substantiated comments. This type of document must present critical, analytical, or interpretive positions that, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the subject by the reference scientific community.
  • EDITORIALS: brief documents, generally written by the Director of the BCCIOH, the Chief Editor, a member of the Editorial Committee, or a guest researcher, about guidelines in the thematic domain of the Bulletin. They are very useful to introduce the reader to the topics covered in the magazine.
  • TRANSLATIONS: from classic or current texts that are highly contributory to knowledge in the areas of interest of the BCCIOH. Transcripts of historical documents or documents of particular interest in the domain of the journal are also accepted.
  • EVENTS: texts of papers presented at congresses and conferences.

In general, the basis of the publications will be scientific articles, and eventually, when requested, essays and reviews will be published.

Application for evaluation and publication to the BCCIOH

The manuscripts that apply for evaluation and publication should be sent online through the OJS link Online submissions to the Chief Editor of the BCCIOH, the articles will be evaluated by experts on the topics, who will make their respective assessments and recommendations, which may or may not be considered by the author.

To start the process of formal reception and peer review of the manuscript, it is required to send it together with the duly numbered figures as they appear in the manuscript, following the specifications established in this document and with the Letter of presentation and assignment of copyright duly completed and signed. Until the information previously requested is received, the reception and revision of the manuscript will not begin.


Structure of the documents that apply for evaluation and publication

The effectiveness and impact of the authors' contributions will depend on the care with which they prepare them. In this sense, authors must prepare their manuscripts following the structure established by the BCCIOH. Thus, those manuscripts that meet the specifications described below within the document reception process will be considered valid.


  • The BCCIOH will only consider manuscripts that, when applying for evaluation, strictly fulfill the condition of not having been published or are in the process of being published in other national and/or international scientific journals.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in Spanish since the BCCIOH is published in this language; however, the printing of an English version is possible, according to the decision of the Management.
  • The use of discriminatory language or the use of sexist or racist terms will not be allowed in contributions submitted for publication.
  • As a requirement for peer review, manuscripts must be written in Microsoft Word (.doc files), in letter format, 12-point Arial font, double-spaced, and 3x3x3x3 margins. All the sheets will be paged consecutively, including tables, figures, and their respective legends.
  • Manuscripts must have a maximum length of 30 pages including text, graphics, figures, tables, and photographs. The latter will be presented in additional files independent of the text, in their original format (if necessary, to solve difficulties due to loss of resolution). Only in duly justified cases will longer articles be accepted, at the discretion of the Chief Editor.
  • Authors are responsible for sending their contributions in a clear, concise, and exact manner.
  • Authors may suggest the names of two possible evaluators for their work, sending their contact details attached: name, address, telephone, email, academic level, current institutional affiliation
  • The Chief Editor reserves the right to decide who will be the peers for each article. 
  • The manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two (02) peers designated by the Chief Editor, under the anonymous ‘Double-blind ' methodology. The pairs will have a period of no more than 30 days to make the pertinent observations. If one of the pairs cannot meet the stipulated deadline, the Chief Editor will appoint the third pair to ensure timely review. 
  • The evaluative concepts will be secret and in case of obtaining a positive concept, the authors will be asked to make the corrections and accept the recommendations of the peers. The manuscript will not be considered for publication in the BCCIOH if the authors decide not to comply with the observations of the peer reviewers, under weak argumentation. The Chief Editor will communicate the decision via email. 
  • Once the acceptance of the articles has been informed, the authors will deliver them in digital format (texts, tables, and figures) to the correspondent OJS link, indicated at the beginning.
  • The authors should sign a document granting copyright in favor of DIMAR as a condition for the publication of the articles in the BCCIOH. This will allow its publication in printed and electronic formats, including the internet.
  • Authors will be given one (01) printed copy of the BCCIOH number where their articles are published.

Structure of the manuscripts that apply for publication

In the process of receiving the manuscripts that apply for publication, the BCCIOH will consider those that have a structure made up of the sections described below, in strict order. This scheme will be modified when the type of document requires it:

Preliminary section,

consisting of the document identification data.


It will be succinct, concrete and representative of the topic covered. It can be self-describing when reviewing the content of the research without offering results; or informative when it communicates the main result of the investigation. it is recommended that you do not exceed 20 words and delete abbreviations, acronyms, and scientific names, for the sake of clarity for the reader. It must be written in Spanish and English. Both the title of the manuscript and the main titles (of each section) will be written centered and in capital letters, unlike those of the second and third rank that will be written in ups and downs, and will be justified on the left. In general, the titles will be bold.


This must be included to be used in the heading of the article pages. It must not exceed 50 characters considering the spaces.

  • AUTHOR (S)

The data of the authors of the articles will be written centered and high and low, keeping the following order: academic title; full names and surnames; institutional affiliation; Organization to which they belong; address, telephone, postal address and emails of the institute and the author.

  • DATE

It indicates the date of submission of the manuscript to arbitration and the date of its respective acceptance.

  • EXPLANATORY NOTE (optional)

It will be included only when the work has been presented at a congress. In this case, the event, the date, the city, and the country will be mentioned. Credit will also be given to institutions that have participated in or financed the project.



Scientific articles will be preceded by a summary of their content. This will be written in a single paragraph that does not exceed 30 lines, in the past tense. Its content will clearly and briefly describe the subject, purpose, objectives, and scope of the study, methodology, main results, and conclusions. It will be devoid of bibliographic citations, and references to tables and figures. In this section, acronyms, and abbreviations will be avoided, their use will require an explanation of their meaning the first time they are used in the text.


At the end of the summary, a maximum of ten (10) words representing the content of the manuscript will be written in a separate line. they will be chosen in the most appropriate way using the Unesco Thesaurus ( These will serve to classify it within the bibliographic databases, as identifiers of the search engines in the electronic version of the journal and to facilitate the search for the subject of interest for the reader.


Corresponds to a faithful translation into English of what is written in the 'SUMMARY'.


Faithful translation into English of the 'KEYWORDS'. special care must be taken with the writing of technicalities.

  1. B) Central section, made up of the development of the research as such (objectives, justification of the work and methodology) and the critical section made up of footnotes and bibliographic citations.

Exposes the fundamentals of the work; It identifies the problem, prior knowledge of the topic, purpose, and importance, and locates it at present, specifying its objectives, the methodology used, and the main findings. Briefly explain the most relevant works and highlight the contributions of other authors to the subject under study; it justifies the reasons why the research is carried out, it also formulates the hypotheses and the pertinent objectives.


Determine the geographical location where the study or research was carried out.


It includes the design, type of study, description of the research, sources of information, statistical methods used, materials, and equipment used. likewise, it considers the research selection criteria. This section is written in the past tense and care should be taken in the use of broad and ambiguous terms for science, such as: significant, periodically, frequently, or regularly. It is not necessary to specify models or brands of equipment implemented. In general, it provides all the information that a competent investigator needs to repeat the investigation in question.


They are used exceptionally and only to contain additional explanatory text, but not bibliographical references, although they may refer to the bibliography consulted. They are identified under consecutive numbering, inside the text, with Arabic numerals with a superscript effect, located at the bottom of the page where they are registered.


Used to support a claim or clarify a research hypothesis. they can be included in the text, distinguishing them from the body of the work by enclosing them in double quotation marks. if the quotation exceeds two lines in its extension, it must be replaced by a FOOTNOTE.

  1. C) The Final section, is the conclusive part of the manuscript. conformed by the results and conclusions, the bibliography, the annexes and appendices of the topic.

Corresponds to the findings of the research process, the description of which will follow a logical sequence in sufficient detail, indicating the main findings within the research carried out, to support the conclusions. A very efficient way of presenting results is to complement the text with tables and figures that expand and specify the information. This section will be written in the past tense.


This section will interpret the results obtained in the investigation concerning the conceptual frame of reference. Furthermore, it indicates the main contribution of the research and, if applicable, presents suggestions for future research. it can be presented together at a single point with the ‘RESULTS ', in which case it will be called: ‘RESULTS AND DISCUSSION'.


This section will succinctly deliver relevant final assessments, which depend on the ‘RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 'presented in the body of the work. If necessary, at the end of this section, appendices or annexes may be added. For the sake of clarity, the ideas for concluding an article may be presented numbered consecutively, without falling into the repetition of aspects covered in other sections of the manuscript.

  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (optional)

In this section, the authors acknowledge the cooperation of individuals and institutions that made important contributions to the development of research and external reviewers. They are recorded at the end of the document, citing the names and institutional affiliation of those who are thanked, as well as the type of collaboration provided. This section is included only if the authors consider it necessary.



It is located at the end of the presentation of the investigative work; indicating all and only those references cited in the text, those supporting graphics, photographs, figures and tables in the document will also be taken into account. They will be presented consecutively in order of appearance in the text, using the most recent update of the APA 6th Standard. Edition, published by the Metropolitan University,

( This document presents standard citation and reference formats for the various types of bibliographic sources of printed and electronic material, updated to 2016.

Other aspects to consider


They will be produced in the same processor used for the text (Word .doc), with the option 'Table', each starting on a separate page. Image files of these will not be accepted. The tables will be presented in print and digital format. Inside the tables, the headings of each column will clearly express their content and measurement units, with a concise and abbreviated title. They will be cited inside the text as follows: (Table 1); Inside the text they will be presented just after their first mention.

The information contained in the tables should not be repeated in the text or the figures. All tables will be numbered consecutively with natural numbers at the top; Its title will be brief, it will specify the content of the same and they will be sufficiently explanatory, without having to refer to the text and they will go on high and low. The text of its legends will be delivered written in Spanish and English.

 Calls to explain some aspect of the table should be made with asterisks; the explanatory notes of these and the documentary source will be placed at the foot of the table and not at the foot of the page. if you need to expand your information or explain the non-standardized abbreviations used, footnotes will be made. When using information from other sources, it will be necessary to obtain the use permission and express appreciation


Graphics, maps, photographs, drawings, diagrams and plates will be named under this name. These must contain the information that is intended to be displayed, including texts and colors that must be easily distinguishable. All the figures will be numbered consecutively at the bottom, their legends will be self-explanatory and will be written in ups and downs. Like the tables, they will be cited inside the text ‘(Figure 1) 'and will be presented just after their first statement inside the text.

They will be delivered in a known digital format. The enumeration and the name of the author will be indicated for each figure. It is recommended to avoid the use of color in the illustrations, in which case it is suggested to use different types of lines and grayscale patterns. The BCIOH can publish figures and color illustrations at no economic cost to the authors, especially in those cases where it is necessary for a better understanding of the results or procedures used within the articles submitted. However, the final decision on the use of color will be up to the Editor-in-Chief.

Photographs should have good focus and contrast, with a wide spectrum of tones, digital or scanned if possible, under 350 dpi resolution and TIFF or JPG extension. These resolution conditions work for all kinds of figures.

The figures and photographs in digital format will have the following characteristics:

  • Digital photographs:

º Minimum size: half letter (21 x 14 cm) or Minimum resolution: 350 dpi

º Color mode: preferably CMYK

º Formats: preferably TIF, JPG or EPS (PNG, PSD are also used)

  • vector images:

º Minimum size: half a letter (21 x 14 cm), although the software scales without increasing the size of the pixels

º Color mode: preferably CMYK

º Formats: AI, PSD, CDR and DXF

  • Photographs taken through a microscope must have internal scale indicators. The symbols, arrows or letters used in this type of images must contrast with the background.


These expressions and formulas, in general, will be listed justified to the right with natural numbers, in parentheses and with bold, Ex .: (1). Inside the text they will be identified with this number.


The standard nomenclature of the measures and common symbols will be used, as long as they are accompanied by numbers, with no periods at the end. Little-known terms, symbols and abbreviations will be defined when they first appear in the article, except in the case of common units of measurement.

In the case of measurement units, the abbreviations of the Decimal Metric system will be used, according to the international SI system of units,

( 20de% 201980% 20-% 20sistema% 20internacional% 20de% 20unidades,% 20si.pdf) 4



Scientific names of genera and species should be written in 'italics'. Taxonomic records will be made following the nomenclature international code. Salinity values ​​will not bear units or symbols, according to the recommendation of Unesco, Tech. Paper 45, iapso Pub. Sci. 32, Paris

 ( 6


  1. Types of collaborations proposed to scientific journals, described in number 1. ‘Planning a scientific journal 'of the document ‘- Guide to Good Practices for Open Access Academic Journals' of the NGO Digital Rights. 2011. P. 7.
  2. Typologies of the collaborations proposed to scientific journals, described in literal A) Scientific quality, of the Guide Document for the Permanent Indexing Service of Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Journals -National Bibliographic Base IBBN and National Bibliographic Index Publindex IBN-. February 2010. P.7.
  3. Under chapter 3. Standardization, of the publication ‘The Edition of Scientific Journals. Good Uses Guide '. Edited by the Scientific Information and Documentation Center - CINDOC (CSIC). Madrid, 2001. Pp.17-34.
  4. Decree 3464 of 1980, by which the International System of Units, SI, is adopted. By order of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, 4 pp.
  5. Document ‘International System of Units -SI 'prepared by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia, through which the general rules for the use of the SI are disclosed, 8 pp.
  6. Document The International System of Units (SI) in Oceanography, Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science 45, IAPSO Scientific Publication No. 32. 1985, 124 pp.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the comments to the editor).
  • The text has simple line spacing; 12 font-size points; italic is used instead of underline (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for referrals.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in: About the Journal


Manuscritos que presentan de manera detallada resultados originales de proyectos terminados de investigación. Estos son usualmente utilizados por los autores para difundir directamente los más recientes hallazgos de sus investigaciones.

Artículos de revisión crítica

Reúnen y resumen el trabajo investigativo en un campo particular y señala líneas de investigación a seguir. Este tipo de documento es el resultado de una investigación donde se analizan, sistematizan e integran los resultados de investigaciones publicadas o no sobre un campo de ciencia o tecnología, con el fin de dar cuenta de los avances y las tendencias de desarrollo. se caracterizan por presentar una cuidadosa revisión bibliográfica de no menos de 50 referencias. En algunos casos, este tipo de artículos son solicitados por los editores expertos para sistematizar el estado del arte en una temática específica de interés.

Artículos de reflexión

Presentan resultados de investigación desde una perspectiva analítica, interpretativa o crítica del autor, sobre un tema específico, recurriendo a fuentes originales.


presentan en un documento de poca extensión resultados originales preliminares o parciales de una investigación científica o tecnológica, que requieren pronta difusión.

Reportes de caso

documentos que presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre una situación particular, con el fin de dar a conocer las experiencias técnicas y metodológicas consideradas en un caso específico. incluyen una revisión sistemática comentada de la literatura sobre casos análogos.

Cartas al director

Relativas a la política editorial del BCCIOH o a trabajos previamente publicados en él, siempre que contengan comentarios objetivos y fundamentados. Este tipo de documento debe presentar posiciones críticas, analíticas o interpretativas, que a juicio del comité Editorial constituyan un aporte importante a la discusión del tema por parte de la comunidad científica de referencia.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.