Contribución al conocimiento de la riqueza de fitoplancton en la isla Cayos de Serranilla, Reserva de Biósfera Seaflower, Caribe colombiano




phytoplankton, Richness, Diatoms, Serranilla Key, Seaflower Biosphere Reserve


The Archipelago of San Andres, Old Providence, and Sainte Catalina, declared Seaflower biosphere reserve in 2000, has a marine extension of about 300 000 km2 in the Caribbean Sea. In its northernmost part, there is SerraniIla Cay, an ancient atoll formed by small, emerged cays and a marine extension of about 1 200 km2, 400 km north of San Andres Island. Most of its marine extension includes deep water, but there is a shallow platform on the southwestern part of the bank. Due to its isolation and its distance to the closest inhabited islands of the Archipelago (San Andres and Old Providence islands, it is one of the least studied portions of the Reserve. In September 2017, the Colombian Commission for the ocean (CCO) organized a scientific expedition to Serranilla, to start studying its biodiversity and ecological processes governing its ecosystems. Among the goals of the expedition, there was the characterization of the phytoplankton community in shallow water. Samples were taken with a phytoplankton net with a mesh size of 27 mum. The samples were taken vertically, from the bottom to the surface of the water at 13 sampling points. Water samples were preserved in transeau solution and observed at optical inverted microscope after sedimentation. A total of 28 genera of diatoms and 8 genera of dinoflagellates were identified. Among the species observed in most samples there are Bleakeleya notata, Nitzschia longissima, Striatella unipunctata, Podolampas palmiper and Tripos teres.


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How to Cite

Contribución al conocimiento de la riqueza de fitoplancton en la isla Cayos de Serranilla, Reserva de Biósfera Seaflower, Caribe colombiano. (2024). CIOH Scientific Bulletin, 43(1), 19-30.

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