Análisis de la basura marina desde una perspectiva de las Expediciones a la Reserva de la Biosfera Seaflower, Colombia: fuentes, salud del mar y políticas públicas



Palabras clave:

Contaminación, Plásticos, Islas Remotas, Gestión de Residuos, Conservación Marina, desechos marinos


El presente análisis explora la problemática de la basura marina y la contaminación por plásticos desde la perspectiva de las Expediciones a la Reserva de la Biosfera Seaflower en Colombia, centrándose en sus posibles fuentes, la salud marina y las implicaciones de las políticas públicas sobre dicha problemática. Esta revisión destaca particularmente la vulnerabilidad que enfrentan las islas remotas frente a la contaminación por plásticos, y en general el deficiente y difícil manejo de las basuras, resultando en graves consecuencias para la salud de los ecosistemas marino-costeros circundantes. A través de un análisis de distribución y del impacto de la basura marina, se proponen prácticas eficaces para la protección ambiental, además de estrategias de gestión sostenible. Se destaca la urgente necesidad de reducir el uso del plástico en ambientes marino-costeros remotos para mitigar los desafíos ambientales y económicos que plantea el limitado manejo operativo de los residuos en islas remotas con espacios limitados.


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Abalansa, S., El Mahrad, B., Vondolia, G. K., Icely, J., & Newton, A. (2020). The Marine Plastic Litter Issue: A Social-Economic Analysis. Sustainability, 12(20), 8677.

Andrade, C. A., Barton, E. D., & Mooers, C. N. K. (2003). Evidence for an eastward flow along the Central and South American Caribbean Coast. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 108Abalansa, S., El Mahrad, B., Vondolia, G. K., Icely, J., & Newton, A. (2020). The Marine Plastic Litter Issue: A Social-Economic Analysis. Sustainability, 12(20), 8677.

Andrade, C. A., Barton, E. D., & Mooers, C. N. K. (2003). Evidence for an eastward flow along the Central and South American Caribbean Coast. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 108(C6).

Aretoulaki, E., Ponis, S., Plakas, G., & Agalianos, K. (2021). Marine plastic littering: a review of socio economic impacts. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(3), 276-300.

BFFP - Break Free From Plastic. (2023). BRANDED 6. Holding the World’s Worst Plastic Polluters Accountable.

Blanke, J. M., Steinberg, M. K., & Donlevy, J. P. (2021). A baseline analysis of marine debris on southern islands of Belize. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172, 112916.

Campos, P., Pires, A., & Figueira, E. (2020). Can Palythoa cf. variabilis biochemical patterns be used to predict coral reef conservation state in Todos Os Santos Bay? Environmental Research, 186, 109504.

CCO. (2015). Aportes al conocimiento de la Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower. Comisión Colombiana del Océano.

Clayton, C. A., Walker, T. R., Bezerra, J. C., & Adam, I. (2021). Policy responses to reduce single-use plastic marine pollution in the Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 162, 111833.

Courtene-Jones, W., Maddalene, T., James, M. K., Smith, N. S., Youngblood, K., Jambeck, J. R., Earthrowl, S., Delvalle-Borrero, D., Penn, E., & Thompson, R. C. (2021). Source, sea and sink—A holistic approach to understanding plastic pollution in the Southern Caribbean. Science of The Total Environment, 797, 149098.

de Scisciolo, T., Mijts, E. N., Becker, T., & Eppinga, M. B. (2016). Beach debris on Aruba, Southern Caribbean: Attribution to local land-based and distal marine-based sources. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 106(1-2), 49-57.

Debrot, A. O., van Rijn, J., Bron, P. S., & de León, R. (2013). A baseline assessment of beach debris and tar contamination in Bonaire, Southeastern Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 71(1-2), 325-329.

Diez, S. M., Patil, P. G., Morton, J., Rodriguez, D. J., Vanzella, A., Robin, D. V., & Maes, T. (2019). Marine Pollution in the Caribbean: Not a Minute to Waste.

DIMAR-CIOH. (2009). Caracterización físico-biótica del litoral Caribe colombiano. Tomo I. (DIMAR, Ed.). Ed. DIMAR, Serie Publicaciones Especiales CIOH.

Dirección General Marítima. (2024). Expedición Seaflower.

Fernández, M. A. G., Zaffiro, M. C. T., & Pon, J. (2021). Políticas, regulaciones y estrategias en américa latina y el caribe para prevenir la basura marina y los residuos plásticos. UNEP/LAC-IG.XXII/7.

Fossi, M. C., Pedà, C., Compa, M., Tsangaris, C., Alomar, C., Claro, F., Ioakeimidis, C., Galgani, F., Hema, T., Deudero, S., Romeo, T., Battaglia, P., Andaloro, F., Caliani, I., Casini, S., Panti, C., & Baini, M. (2018). Bioindicators for monitoring marine litter ingestion and its impacts on Mediterranean biodiversity. Environmental Pollution, 237, 1023-1040.

Galimany, E., Marco-Herrero, E., Soto, S., Recasens, L., Lombarte, A., Lleonart, J., Abelló, P., & Ramón, M. (2019). Benthic marine litter in shallow fishing grounds in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Waste Management, 95, 620-627.

Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Espinosa Díaz, L. F., Pereira Cardoso, R., & Costa Muniz, M. (2020). The impact of tourism on marine litter pollution on Santa Marta beaches, Colombian Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160.

Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Espinosa, L. F., Cardoso, R. P., Issa Cardozo, B. B., & Meigikos dos Anjos, R. (2020). Plastic litter pollution along sandy beaches in the Caribbean and Pacific coast of Colombia. Environmental Pollution, 267, 115495.

Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Mejía-Esquivia, K. A., Sierra-Labastidas, T., Patiño, A., Blandón, L. M., & Espinosa Díaz, L. F. (2020). Prevalence of microplastic contamination in the digestive tract of fishes from mangrove ecosystem in Cispata, Colombian Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154, 111085.

Geister, J., & Díaz, J. M. (2007). Ambientes arrecifales y geología de un archipiélago oceánico: San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina (mar Caribe, Colombia) con guía de campo. Ingeominas.

Gorman, D., & Turra, A. (2016). The role of mangrove revegetation as a means of restoring macrofaunal communities along degraded coasts. Science of The Total Environment, 566-567, 223-229.

Grelaud, M., & Ziveri, P. (2020). The generation of marine litter in Mediterranean island beaches as an effect of tourism and its mitigation. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 20326.

Hall, N. M., Berry, K. L. E., Rintoul, L., & Hoogenboom, M. O. (2015). Microplastic ingestion by scleractinian corals. Marine Biology, 162(3), 725-732.

IMO. (2024). Marine litter. International Maritime Organization.

Invemar, & Coralina. (2012). Atlas de la reserva de Biosfera Seaflower. En Coralina.

Ivar do Sul, J. A., & Costa, M. F. (2007). Marine debris review for Latin America and the Wider Caribbean Region: From the 1970s until now, and where do we go from here? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(8), 1087-1104.

Ivar do Sul, J. A., & Costa, M. F. (2014). The present and future of microplastic pollution in the marine environment. Environmental Pollution, 185, 352-364.

Jones, J. S., Porter, A., Muñoz-Pérez, J. P., Alarcón-Ruales, D., Galloway, T. S., Godley, B. J., Santillo, D., Vagg, J., & Lewis, C. (2021). Plastic contamination of a Galapagos Island (Ecuador) and the relative risks to native marine species. Science of The Total Environment, 789, 147704.

Krelling, A. P., Williams, A. T., & Turra, A. (2017). Differences in perception and reaction of tourist groups to beach marine debris that can influence a loss of tourism revenue in coastal areas. Marine Policy, 85, 87-99.

Lamb, J. B., Willis, B. L., Fiorenza, E. A., Couch, C. S., Howard, R., Rader, D. N., True, J. D., Kelly, L. A., Ahmad, A., Jompa, J., & Harvell, C. D. (2018). Plastic waste associated with disease on coral reefs. Science, 359(6374), 460-462.

López, G. I. C., Garzón, N. M. B., Manzolli, R. P., & Portz, L. (2024). Análisis histórico de la contaminación por microplásticos en sedimentos marinos.

Manzolli, R. P., & Portz, L. (2024). Use of Drone Remote Sensing to Identify Increased Marine Macro-Litter Contamination following the Reopening of Salgar Beach (Colombian Caribbean) during Pandemic Restrictions. Sustainability, 16(13), 5399.

Martin, C., Almahasheer, H., & Duarte, C. M. (2019). Mangrove forests as traps for marine litter *. Environmental Pollution, 247, 499-508.

Martinez L.L., & Psuty N.P. (2004). Coastal Dunes, Ecology and Conservation. Ecological Studies. (Vol. 171). Springer-Verlag.

Martínez-Clavijo, S., López-Muñoz, P., Cabarcas-Mier, A., Payares-Varela, J. L., Gutiérrez, J., & Quintero, J. (2021). Unidades geomorfológicas y distribución de facies sedimentarias en la Isla Cayos de Alburquerque, Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower, Caribe colombiano. Boletín de Geología, 43(3), 2145-8553.

Menicagli, V., Balestri, E., & Lardicci, C. (2019). Exposure of coastal dune vegetation to plastic bag leachates: A neglected impact of plastic litter. Science of The Total Environment, 683, 737-748.

Mooers, C. N. K., & Maul, G. A. (1998). Intra-Americas Sea circulation. En A. R. Robinson & K. H. Brink (Eds.), In The Sea, 11 (John Wiley, Vol. 11, pp. 183-208).

Moore, S. L., Gregorio, D., Carreon, M., Weisberg, S. B., & Leecaster, M. K. (2001). Composition and Distribution of Beach Debris in Orange County, California. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(3), 241-245.

Okubo, N., Takahashi, S., & Nakano, Y. (2018). Microplastics disturb the anthozoan-algae symbiotic relationship. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135, 83-89.

Pendleton, L., Martin, N., & Webster, D. G. (2001). Public Perceptions of Environmental Quality: A Survey Study of Beach Use and Perceptions in Los Angeles County. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(11), 1155-1160.

Perez-Venegas, D., Pavés, H., Pulgar, J., Ahrendt, C., Seguel, M., & Galbán-Malagón, C. J. (2017). Coastal debris survey in a Remote Island of the Chilean Northern Patagonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125(1-2), 530-534.

Poeta, G., Fanelli, G., Pietrelli, L., Acosta, A. T. R., & Battisti, C. (2017). Plastisphere in action: evidence for an interaction between expanded polystyrene and dunal plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(12), 11856-11859.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., & Garzon, N. (2018). Management priorities in San Andres Island beaches, Colombia: Associated risks. Journal of Coastal Research, 85.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., Herrera, G. V., Garcia, L. L., Villate, D. A., & Ivar do Sul, J. A. (2020). Marine litter arrived: Distribution and potential sources on an unpopulated atoll in the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, Caribbean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 157.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., & Ivar do Sul, J. A. (2011). Marine debris on Rio Grande do Sul north coast, Brazil: spatial and temporal patterns. Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, 11(1), 41-48.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., Vasquez, G., Laiton, L., Villate, D. A., & Ivar, J. A. (2020). Marine litter arrived: Distribution and potential sources on an unpopulated atoll in the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, Caribbean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 157(April), 111323.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., Villate-Daza, D. A., & Fontán-Bouzas, Á. (2022). Where does marine litter hide? The Providencia and Santa Catalina Island problem, SEAFLOWER Reserve (Colombia). Science of the Total Environment, 813.

Pranchai, A., Jenke, M., & Berger, U. (2019). Well-intentioned, but poorly implemented: Debris from coastal bamboo fences triggered mangrove decline in Thailand. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146, 900-907.

Rambojun, S., Ramloll, Y., Mattan-Moorgawa, S., & Appadoo, C. (2024). Are mangroves hotspots for marine litter among selected coastal ecosystems of Mauritius, an oceanic island in Western Indian Ocean? Regional Studies in Marine Science, 69, 103284.

Rangel-Buitrago, N., Gracia C., A., Velez-Mendoza, A., Carvajal-Florián, A., Mojica-Martinez, L., & Neal, W. J. (2019). Where did this refuse come from? Marine anthropogenic litter on a remote island of the Colombian Caribbean sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149(October), 110611.

Rehman, W. U., Iqbal, K. M. J., Khan, M. I., Ullah, W., Shah, A. A., & Tariq, M. A. U. R. (2022). Multi-Criteria Relationship Analysis of Knowledge, Perception, and Attitude of Stakeholders for Engagement towards Maritime Pollution at Sea, Beach, and Coastal Environments. Sustainability, 14(24), 16443.

Richardson, P. L. (2005). Caribbean Current and eddies as observed by surface drifters. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 52(3-4), 429-463.

Rodríguez, Y., Ressurreição, A., & Pham, C. K. (2020). Socio-economic impacts of marine litter for remote oceanic islands: The case of the Azores. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111631.

Santos, I. R., Friedrich, A. C., Wallner-Kersanach, M., & Fillmann, G. (2005). Influence of socio-economic characteristics of beach users on litter generation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 48(9), 742-752.

Schneider, F., Parsons, S., Clift, S., Stolte, A., & McManus, M. C. (2018). Collected marine litter — A growing waste challenge. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 128, 162-174.

Stoett, P., Scrich, V. M., Elliff, C. I., Andrade, M. M., de M. Grilli, N., & Turra, A. (2024). Global plastic pollution, sustainable development, and plastic justice. World Development, 184, 106756.

Syakti, A. D., Jaya, J. V., Rahman, A., Hidayati, N. V., Raza’i, T. S., Idris, F., Trenggono, M., Doumenq, P., & Chou, L. M. (2019). Bleaching and necrosis of staghorn coral (Acropora formosa) in laboratory assays: Immediate impact of LDPE microplastics. Chemosphere, 228, 528-535.

Thiel, M., Lorca, B. B., Bravo, L., Hinojosa, I. A., & Meneses, H. Z. (2021). Daily accumulation rates of marine litter on the shores of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in the South Pacific Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 169, 112535.

UNEP. (2005). Marine Litter: An Analytical Overview. United Nations Environment Programme. 58p.

van Bijsterveldt, C. E. J., van Wesenbeeck, B. K., Ramadhani, S., Raven, O. V., van Gool, F. E., Pribadi, R., & Bouma, T. J. (2021). Does plastic waste kill mangroves? A field experiment to assess the impact of macro plastics on mangrove growth, stress response and survival. Science of The Total Environment, 756, 143826.

Vélez, R. (2019). Las economías de la zona del Caribe en el contexto de la Revolución Tecnológica. Études caribéennes, 42.

Wilson, S. P., & Verlis, K. M. (2017). The ugly face of tourism: Marine debris pollution linked to visitation in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 117(1-2), 239-246.


Aretoulaki, E., Ponis, S., Plakas, G., & Agalianos, K. (2021). Marine plastic littering: a review of socio economic impacts. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(3), 276-300.

BFFP - Break Free From Plastic. (2023). BRANDED 6. Holding the World’s Worst Plastic Polluters Accountable.

Blanke, J. M., Steinberg, M. K., & Donlevy, J. P. (2021). A baseline analysis of marine debris on southern islands of Belize. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172, 112916.

Campos, P., Pires, A., & Figueira, E. (2020). Can Palythoa cf. variabilis biochemical patterns be used to predict coral reef conservation state in Todos Os Santos Bay? Environmental Research, 186, 109504.

CCO. (2015). Aportes al conocimiento de la Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower. Comisión Colombiana del Océano.

Clayton, C. A., Walker, T. R., Bezerra, J. C., & Adam, I. (2021). Policy responses to reduce single-use plastic marine pollution in the Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 162, 111833.

Courtene-Jones, W., Maddalene, T., James, M. K., Smith, N. S., Youngblood, K., Jambeck, J. R., Earthrowl, S., Delvalle-Borrero, D., Penn, E., & Thompson, R. C. (2021). Source, sea and sink—A holistic approach to understanding plastic pollution in the Southern Caribbean. Science of The Total Environment, 797, 149098.

de Scisciolo, T., Mijts, E. N., Becker, T., & Eppinga, M. B. (2016). Beach debris on Aruba, Southern Caribbean: Attribution to local land-based and distal marine-based sources. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 106(1-2), 49-57.

Debrot, A. O., van Rijn, J., Bron, P. S., & de León, R. (2013). A baseline assessment of beach debris and tar contamination in Bonaire, Southeastern Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 71(1-2), 325-329.

Diez, S. M., Patil, P. G., Morton, J., Rodriguez, D. J., Vanzella, A., Robin, D. V., & Maes, T. (2019). Marine Pollution in the Caribbean: Not a Minute to Waste.

DIMAR-CIOH. (2009). Caracterización físico-biótica del litoral Caribe colombiano. Tomo I. (DIMAR, Ed.). Ed. DIMAR, Serie Publicaciones Especiales CIOH.

Dirección General Marítima. (2024). Expedición Seaflower.

Fernández, M. A. G., Zaffiro, M. C. T., & Pon, J. (2021). Políticas, regulaciones y estrategias en américa latina y el caribe para prevenir la basura marina y los residuos plásticos. UNEP/LAC-IG.XXII/7.

Fossi, M. C., Pedà, C., Compa, M., Tsangaris, C., Alomar, C., Claro, F., Ioakeimidis, C., Galgani, F., Hema, T., Deudero, S., Romeo, T., Battaglia, P., Andaloro, F., Caliani, I., Casini, S., Panti, C., & Baini, M. (2018). Bioindicators for monitoring marine litter ingestion and its impacts on Mediterranean biodiversity. Environmental Pollution, 237, 1023-1040.

Galimany, E., Marco-Herrero, E., Soto, S., Recasens, L., Lombarte, A., Lleonart, J., Abelló, P., & Ramón, M. (2019). Benthic marine litter in shallow fishing grounds in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Waste Management, 95, 620-627.

Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Espinosa Díaz, L. F., Pereira Cardoso, R., & Costa Muniz, M. (2020). The impact of tourism on marine litter pollution on Santa Marta beaches, Colombian Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160.

Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Espinosa, L. F., Cardoso, R. P., Issa Cardozo, B. B., & Meigikos dos Anjos, R. (2020). Plastic litter pollution along sandy beaches in the Caribbean and Pacific coast of Colombia. Environmental Pollution, 267, 115495.

Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Mejía-Esquivia, K. A., Sierra-Labastidas, T., Patiño, A., Blandón, L. M., & Espinosa Díaz, L. F. (2020). Prevalence of microplastic contamination in the digestive tract of fishes from mangrove ecosystem in Cispata, Colombian Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154, 111085.

Geister, J., & Díaz, J. M. (2007). Ambientes arrecifales y geología de un archipiélago oceánico: San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina (mar Caribe, Colombia) con guía de campo. Ingeominas.

Gorman, D., & Turra, A. (2016). The role of mangrove revegetation as a means of restoring macrofaunal communities along degraded coasts. Science of The Total Environment, 566-567, 223-229.

Grelaud, M., & Ziveri, P. (2020). The generation of marine litter in Mediterranean island beaches as an effect of tourism and its mitigation. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 20326.

Hall, N. M., Berry, K. L. E., Rintoul, L., & Hoogenboom, M. O. (2015). Microplastic ingestion by scleractinian corals. Marine Biology, 162(3), 725-732.

IMO. (2024). Marine litter. International Maritime Organization.

Invemar, & Coralina. (2012). Atlas de la reserva de Biosfera Seaflower. En Coralina.

Ivar do Sul, J. A., & Costa, M. F. (2007). Marine debris review for Latin America and the Wider Caribbean Region: From the 1970s until now, and where do we go from here? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(8), 1087-1104.

Ivar do Sul, J. A., & Costa, M. F. (2014). The present and future of microplastic pollution in the marine environment. Environmental Pollution, 185, 352-364.

Jones, J. S., Porter, A., Muñoz-Pérez, J. P., Alarcón-Ruales, D., Galloway, T. S., Godley, B. J., Santillo, D., Vagg, J., & Lewis, C. (2021). Plastic contamination of a Galapagos Island (Ecuador) and the relative risks to native marine species. Science of The Total Environment, 789, 147704.

Krelling, A. P., Williams, A. T., & Turra, A. (2017). Differences in perception and reaction of tourist groups to beach marine debris that can influence a loss of tourism revenue in coastal areas. Marine Policy, 85, 87-99.

Lamb, J. B., Willis, B. L., Fiorenza, E. A., Couch, C. S., Howard, R., Rader, D. N., True, J. D., Kelly, L. A., Ahmad, A., Jompa, J., & Harvell, C. D. (2018). Plastic waste associated with disease on coral reefs. Science, 359(6374), 460-462.

López, G. I. C., Garzón, N. M. B., Manzolli, R. P., & Portz, L. (2024). Análisis histórico de la contaminación por microplásticos en sedimentos marinos.

Manzolli, R. P., & Portz, L. (2024). Use of Drone Remote Sensing to Identify Increased Marine Macro-Litter Contamination following the Reopening of Salgar Beach (Colombian Caribbean) during Pandemic Restrictions. Sustainability, 16(13), 5399.

Martin, C., Almahasheer, H., & Duarte, C. M. (2019). Mangrove forests as traps for marine litter *. Environmental Pollution, 247, 499-508.

Martinez L.L., & Psuty N.P. (2004). Coastal Dunes, Ecology and Conservation. Ecological Studies. (Vol. 171). Springer-Verlag.

Martínez-Clavijo, S., López-Muñoz, P., Cabarcas-Mier, A., Payares-Varela, J. L., Gutiérrez, J., & Quintero, J. (2021). Unidades geomorfológicas y distribución de facies sedimentarias en la Isla Cayos de Alburquerque, Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower, Caribe colombiano. Boletín de Geología, 43(3), 2145-8553.

Menicagli, V., Balestri, E., & Lardicci, C. (2019). Exposure of coastal dune vegetation to plastic bag leachates: A neglected impact of plastic litter. Science of The Total Environment, 683, 737-748.

Mooers, C. N. K., & Maul, G. A. (1998). Intra-Americas Sea circulation. En A. R. Robinson & K. H. Brink (Eds.), In The Sea, 11 (John Wiley, Vol. 11, pp. 183-208).

Moore, S. L., Gregorio, D., Carreon, M., Weisberg, S. B., & Leecaster, M. K. (2001). Composition and Distribution of Beach Debris in Orange County, California. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(3), 241-245.

Okubo, N., Takahashi, S., & Nakano, Y. (2018). Microplastics disturb the anthozoan-algae symbiotic relationship. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135, 83-89.

Pendleton, L., Martin, N., & Webster, D. G. (2001). Public Perceptions of Environmental Quality: A Survey Study of Beach Use and Perceptions in Los Angeles County. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(11), 1155-1160.

Perez-Venegas, D., Pavés, H., Pulgar, J., Ahrendt, C., Seguel, M., & Galbán-Malagón, C. J. (2017). Coastal debris survey in a Remote Island of the Chilean Northern Patagonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125(1-2), 530-534.

Poeta, G., Fanelli, G., Pietrelli, L., Acosta, A. T. R., & Battisti, C. (2017). Plastisphere in action: evidence for an interaction between expanded polystyrene and dunal plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(12), 11856-11859.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., & Garzon, N. (2018). Management priorities in San Andres Island beaches, Colombia: Associated risks. Journal of Coastal Research, 85.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., Herrera, G. V., Garcia, L. L., Villate, D. A., & Ivar do Sul, J. A. (2020). Marine litter arrived: Distribution and potential sources on an unpopulated atoll in the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, Caribbean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 157.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., & Ivar do Sul, J. A. (2011). Marine debris on Rio Grande do Sul north coast, Brazil: spatial and temporal patterns. Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, 11(1), 41-48.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., Vasquez, G., Laiton, L., Villate, D. A., & Ivar, J. A. (2020). Marine litter arrived: Distribution and potential sources on an unpopulated atoll in the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, Caribbean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 157(April), 111323.

Portz, L., Manzolli, R. P., Villate-Daza, D. A., & Fontán-Bouzas, Á. (2022). Where does marine litter hide? The Providencia and Santa Catalina Island problem, SEAFLOWER Reserve (Colombia). Science of the Total Environment, 813.

Pranchai, A., Jenke, M., & Berger, U. (2019). Well-intentioned, but poorly implemented: Debris from coastal bamboo fences triggered mangrove decline in Thailand. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146, 900-907.

Rambojun, S., Ramloll, Y., Mattan-Moorgawa, S., & Appadoo, C. (2024). Are mangroves hotspots for marine litter among selected coastal ecosystems of Mauritius, an oceanic island in Western Indian Ocean? Regional Studies in Marine Science, 69, 103284.

Rangel-Buitrago, N., Gracia C., A., Velez-Mendoza, A., Carvajal-Florián, A., Mojica-Martinez, L., & Neal, W. J. (2019). Where did this refuse come from? Marine anthropogenic litter on a remote island of the Colombian Caribbean sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149(October), 110611.

Rehman, W. U., Iqbal, K. M. J., Khan, M. I., Ullah, W., Shah, A. A., & Tariq, M. A. U. R. (2022). Multi-Criteria Relationship Analysis of Knowledge, Perception, and Attitude of Stakeholders for Engagement towards Maritime Pollution at Sea, Beach, and Coastal Environments. Sustainability, 14(24), 16443.

Richardson, P. L. (2005). Caribbean Current and eddies as observed by surface drifters. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 52(3-4), 429-463.

Rodríguez, Y., Ressurreição, A., & Pham, C. K. (2020). Socio-economic impacts of marine litter for remote oceanic islands: The case of the Azores. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111631.

Santos, I. R., Friedrich, A. C., Wallner-Kersanach, M., & Fillmann, G. (2005). Influence of socio-economic characteristics of beach users on litter generation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 48(9), 742-752.

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Análisis de la basura marina desde una perspectiva de las Expediciones a la Reserva de la Biosfera Seaflower, Colombia: fuentes, salud del mar y políticas públicas. (2024). Boletín Científico CIOH, 43(2), 15-36.

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