Contributions of the Seaflower Expeditions to the Knowledge of Decapod Crustaceans of the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago with New Records
Crustacea, Decapoda, Seaflower, Biodiversity, WealthAbstract
The Man and the Biosphere Program recognized the natural wealth of the Archipelago and declared it a Seaflower Biosphere Reserve in 2000; Miniambiente later declared it a Marine Protected Area in 2005. Between 2017 and 2018, within the framework of the Seaflower Scientific Expeditions, crustaceans were collected from coral remains and soft bottoms. Representatives of 17 families were collected on the Cayo Serranilla Islands (ICS) and Alburquerque Islands (ICA). The results show a greater wealth in ICA, with 46 species of 31 genera, while in ICS only 37 species and 27 genera recorded. In total, 67 decapod morphospecies recorded in the two keys, contributing to knowledge with 26 new records for the Archipelago and six new ones for Colombia. With these results, the number of species for the Archipelago is 236, with an increase of 12.38%, and 16.7% of the total number of registered species. These records highlight the importance of the reserve for the Colombian Caribbean, contributing 32.3% of the species registered for Colombia.
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