golfo de Urabá, eventos atmosféricos, circulación oceánica, ROMS-CROCO, épocas climáticasAbstract
The physical processes that have the greatest influence on ocean dynamics within the Gulf of Urabá (GU) is the variability of wind fields, differences in density and river discharges. The influence of wind field dynamics on ocean circulation is affected by the latitudinal variation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, which generates two climatic periods: dry season (December to March) and rainy season (May to November). With the purpose of advancing in the hydrodynamic knowledge of the GU, in this work we analyzed the modulation produced by the seasonal and spatial variation of the wind fields on ocean currents on an intra and interannual scale. The ROMS-CROCO regional ocean circulation numerical model was used, using a variable time atmospheric forcing during the 2010-2015 period. Based on the wind fields, it was found that the GU can be dynamically divided into three zones (north, center and south). The results suggest that when the wind field has a north-south direction, contrary to the flow of the Atrato River, it generates an oceanic circulation that borders fresh waters in the south of the GU. In this scenario, the lowest magnitudes of the surface current were found, mainly for the central and southern zone, with average values of 0.1 m / s. When the effort of the wind is in the same direction of the flow of the Atrato river (south-north), the magnitude of the surface currents increases and most of the flow leaves the GU by its east side (most common scenario). In addition, it was found that the river discharge of the Atrato River has a large influence on the interior of the GU on average up to 3 m deep. Between 4 m and 8 m is the halocline, formed by the transition from freshwater to salt water, where there is a speed cut, which allows the formation of eddies in the deep waters of the GU. It should be noted that in Colombia Bay an almost permanent three-layer flow was found, resulting in greater circulation of water bodies and greater flow exchange with the central area of the GU. Likewise, after 10 m the influence of some systems of currents of the Caribbean Sea on the circulation of the GU is noticeable. In future work it is expected to use wind databases with a fine spatial resolution and take into account the real contribution (data series) of the Atrato river, as well as other important tributaries such as the Leon river.Downloads
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